Poetry, prose and music reviews have been published globally but with little reportable income. Full length collections include Buckshot Reckoning, mooncussers, AmericanMental, (Luchador Press 2023, 2022, 2020); Blue Fan Whirring, (Nirala Press, 2018); Anthologies include: Calling All Poets 25th & 20th Anniversary Anthologies, (CAPS Press); Reflecting Pool: Poets & the Creative Process (Codhill Press, 2018); Like Light: 25 Years of Poetry & Prose (Bright Hill Press, 2018); WaterWrites: A Hudson River Anthology, and Riverine: Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers (Codhill Press, 2009, 2007) A 2016 Pushcart nominee, he is President of Calling All Poets, now in its 25th year in the Hudson Valley. He serves as co-chair of the Music Fan Film Series, Rosendale Theatre, Rosendale, NY. CD reviews appear online at All About Jazz and lightwoodpress.com Featured poet: London, San Francisco, NYC, Albany, Baltimore, Philadelphia. The Rock n Roll Curmudgeon appeared in Rhythm and News Magazine, 1996-2003. He is the Monday 9am-10am host of NuJazzXcursions, WVKR-91.3FM Vassar College.

 He loves Emily most of all.

Facebook:   www.facebook.com/mikesjazzpoetryjournal/

YouTube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaBbZUXlzmQ0lj2DCg3ydg/videos?view=0&sort=da

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/

Lisa St. John is a published writer and former high school English Teacher. She is also a Student Teacher Supervisor for the State University of New York at New Paltz and a Board Member of the International Women’s Writing Guild and the Stone Ridge Public Library. Lisa St. John is a writer living in the beautiful Hudson Valley of upstate New York. She is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee for her poem “War is a Human Child,” published with The Poetry Distillery. She is the author of two poetry books, Ponderings (Finishing Line Press) and Swallowing Stones (Kelsay Books). Lisa has published her poetry in journals such as 2Elizabeths, Misfit Magazine, New Verse News, The Poet’s Billow, The Ekphrastic Review, Albany Poets, The Orchards Poetry Journal, Light, Entropy Magazine, The Poetry Distillery, Poets Reading the News, Glassworks, and Chronogram Magazine. The poem “There Must Be a Science to This” won The Poet’s Billow’s Bermuda Triangle Contest, and “Mowing the Lawn” was shortlisted for the Fish Poetry Prize and later published in Fish Anthology 2016. “Particle Song” was a finalist for the 2017 Rash Award in Poetry by Broad River Review. Her poem “The Whens of Now” was selected as a finalist for the New Millennium Writings 44th Literary Awards. “Where is Ophelia’s Mother?” won second place in the Poetry Society of Virginia’s Sarah Lockwood Memorial Poetry Prize. Lisa’s ekphrastic poetry has been selected for both the Ask For Arts 2020 Poetic License Exhibition and the Mid-Hudson Arts Exhibit, Poets Respond to Art. Lisa’s travel articles “The Calgary Stampede: The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” and “Manhattan’s Lower East Side: The Big Onion” are published on GoNomad.com.  Her memoir excerpt, “I Still Exist,” was published by Grief Digest Magazine, and her essay, “DIY Apocalypse,” was published in Sleet Magazine. Her essay “Of Mothers and Other Demons” appears in Tales to Inspire: Moonstone Collection Book 2, 2021. She is currently seeking publication for her memoir, My Truce with Grief.


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I am actually Member Greg Correll, and the current site Admin. I engineered and maintain the CAPS site. If you have technical, function, design, or User/Member login questions, email/message me please. For questions about CAPS organization or site content, contact Mike Jurkovic or any CAPS staff person. My biz domain is smallpackages.com.

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Fellow at CUNY Writers Institute, 2017; worked closely with Leo Carey of The New Yorker, and J. Galassi at FSG. Work has appeared in Salon, The Good Men Project, CAPS 2016, Wallkill Valley Writers anthologies, and elsewhere. Won a CLIO for package design. Designed/ran 1st multimedia stage set at Avery Fisher in 1996. Engineered Yale's Climate Institute site/tools. Two short plays produced, one off-Broadway at Makor, one by Actors & Writers, upstate NY. Taught performance art at SUNY New Paltz, design at Marist. Have a memoir about being a 60s runaway, and sexual assault in jail at fourteen. Looking for an agent (who isn't?). Raised three ferocious, brilliant, feminist daughters with my best friend. Came out in 2015. Life is strange and wonderful.

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Thomas Festa is a Professor of English at SUNY New Paltz, where he has taught since 2005. He is the author of a chapbook of poems, Earthen (Finishing Line Press, 2023) and a study of John Milton’s poetry, The End of Learning (Routledge, 2006), as well as over two dozen scholarly articles, and has co-edited four anthologies. Recent poems of his have appeared in Bennington Review, The Briar Cliff Review, Connecticut River Review, Contemporary Haibun Online, The Haibun Journal, and elsewhere.   

Joann Deiudicibus teaches writing and poetry courses in New York’s Hudson Valley and is the guest poetry editor for the Shawangunk Review. Her poems and articles about poetry appear in WaterWrites, A Slant of Light, & Reflecting Pool (Codhill Press), The Comstock Review, The Haibun Journal, Drifting Sands, Contemporary Haibum Online,Typishly, Poetry Quarterly, Stone Poetry Quarterly, Chronogram, and Affective Disorder and the Writing Life (Palgrave Macmillan). Her debut chapbook, Lost & Found, is available now from Finishing Line Press.

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Survivor's Guilt
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marina mati has featured in NYC and the Hudson Valley at performance venues, cafes, bars, and bookstores. Her poetry has also been featured by Jonathan Wolfman on the podcast, "Passionate Justice." Publishing credits include Napalm Health Spa on Museum of American Poetics (MAP), editor Jim Cohn; BigCityLit, editor Nick Johnson; and numerous anthologies. Currently, her poems appear in recent Waymark issues, editor Roger Aplon; and Poet Gold chose her social justice poetry to be included in the CAPS anthology "Mightier." Marina was on the board of Calling All Poets for 2 years and is the editor of the 2015 edition of the CAPS Anthology. CAPS has been her poet-home for over 15 years. Thank you to Mike, Jim, and Greg for keeping the home fires burning.
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social distance
​road deconstruction #15
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A resident of New York State for most of my existence, I have been writing for over 25 years.  I attend open readings around the Ulster, Orange, Sullivan and Dutchess counties.  My first book of poetry, The Grand Facade, is available through Amazon.

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Flowers Of Pain
I Am A Desperate Trophy
Haiku Oh-Two
The Straight And Narrow
Coming To Terms
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Carol published her 1st book, Whole Phat and Gluten Free Poetry in September 2017, which won the 2018 Book Excellence Award for Poetry.  Carol performed an original piece, A Bold Journey for American Dream stories of Immigration co-produced by Michael Kennedy of Creative License Unlimited and Jean-Remy Monnay of Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate New York
Carol was one of the featured poets at the 13th Annual Festival of Books at Spencertown Academy Arts Center   She was one of the local authors at the inaugural Albany Book Festival at University at Albany and the New York State Writers Institute. Carol was the host at the Holiday Homecoming event for Capital Region Sponsor A Scholar where she is the Board Secretary. She was a host of For Colored Girls who considered suicide when the rainbow is enuff by Ntozake Shange, directed by Meg Affonso of Lotus and Blossom Productions at the Albany Barn.
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Michael Timothy Rose lives in Westchester New York and works as an electronics specialist and technical project manager. He currently does poetry readings throughout the Hudson Valley. He has been published in Stonesthrow creative writing anthology, as well as Chronogram Magazine, and is soon to be published in the 2017 Karpeles and CAPS poetry anthologies. He is a member of Hudson Valley Poets, Calling All Poets Society, and Karpeles poetry groups. The Rattles is his first published collection of poems. Michael holds an Associate of Arts in Humanities from Dutchess Community College and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from SUNY New Paltz.
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On the Spirit of Words (A non-villanelle)
The Poet's Lamentation
The Rolling Pin
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Karen Corinne Herceg graduated Columbia University where she studied with David Ignatow and Pulitzer Prize winner Phil Schultz. She has featured at major venues with such renowned poets as John Ashbery and William Packard. Her new book of poems, Out From Calaboose, published in November 2016 by Nirala Publications. She publishes poetry, prose and essays in journals here and abroad. Karen is currently working with Khalilah Ali, writing her memoirs as the former wife of the legendary Muhammad Ali.
Dennis Wayne Bressack lives in Woodstock with his wife, Abby. They have 2 sons, Noah and Justin, and 4 grandchildren. He has been writing intensely personal, social, and political poetry, articles, and essays for over 50 years. Dennis is a member of The Woodstock Poetry Society and Calling All Poets and has been a featured reader at their meetings as well as many other venues in the Mid- Hudson Valley, New York City and New Jersey. He has been published in many anthologies, magazines and journals, including Sensations Magazine, Writers in the Mountains, The Woodstock Journal, The Home Planet News, The New Paltz News, Wildflowers, Chronogram, Waymark (Voices of the Valley), Heyday, Life Blood (Woodstock Poetry Society) and Footsteps. One of his poems, about the adoption of his son from Russia, was chosen for publication in a book issued by the Frank Foundation Child Assistance International Organization. An article reminiscing about his high school wrestling experience is now on the school's web-site and appeared in the yearly alumni newsletter. He has self-published 7 chapbooks and recorded 2 music CDs. You can find samples of his poems, writings, songs and photos on his website, denniswaynebressack.com.
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After 20 or so years of co-writing songs with my poet friend Mike Jurkovic, I started going to poetry readings and decided to try my hand at it. I finally worked up the courage to read my own work. So far, no tomatoes have flown my way. I consider that a promising start. I've been published in the CAPS Anthology (2015) and Waymark-Voices of the Valley Magazine.
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