Poetry, prose and music reviews have been published globally but with little reportable income. Full length collections include Buckshot Reckoning, mooncussers, AmericanMental, (Luchador Press 2023, 2022, 2020); Blue Fan Whirring, (Nirala Press, 2018); Anthologies include: Calling All Poets 25th & 20th Anniversary Anthologies, (CAPS Press); Reflecting Pool: Poets & the Creative Process (Codhill Press, 2018); Like Light: 25 Years of Poetry & Prose (Bright Hill Press, 2018); WaterWrites: A Hudson River Anthology, and Riverine: Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers (Codhill Press, 2009, 2007) A 2016 Pushcart nominee, he is President of Calling All Poets, now in its 25th year in the Hudson Valley. He serves as co-chair of the Music Fan Film Series, Rosendale Theatre, Rosendale, NY. CD reviews appear online at All About Jazz and lightwoodpress.com Featured poet: London, San Francisco, NYC, Albany, Baltimore, Philadelphia. The Rock n Roll Curmudgeon appeared in Rhythm and News Magazine, 1996-2003. He is the Monday 9am-10am host of NuJazzXcursions, WVKR-91.3FM Vassar College.

 He loves Emily most of all.

Facebook:   www.facebook.com/mikesjazzpoetryjournal/

YouTube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaBbZUXlzmQ0lj2DCg3ydg/videos?view=0&sort=da

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/

Books, Poetry, Jazz. . . here's the links

If you'd like to read my latest jazz reviews on ALL ABOUT JAZZ.com or purchase books or listen to my Tuesday night Jazz program on W00C 105.3 FM, here's a few links for you.

ALL ABOUT JAZZ.com reviews: https://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/contributor_articles.php?id=142766

Tuesday Night Jazz Sanctuary, 7-10pm: www.mediasanctuary.org

BLUE FAN WHIRRING, latest collection of haiku from Nirala Publications:  http://niralapublications.com/new-booksarrivals/blue-fan-whirring-poems-by-mike-jurkovic/

SMITTEN BY HARPIES, first full collection of poems: https://www.amazon.com/Smitten-Harpies-Mr-Mike-Jurkovic/dp/1530404843/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1526748584&sr=1-3&keywords=mike+jurkovic&dpID=51Y-J12wCYL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

SHINY BANJO CATFISH, first collection of haiku & short poems: https://www.amazon.com/Shiny-Banjo-Catfish-Mike-Jurkovic/dp/1535163968/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1526748770&sr=1-2&dpID=51djc6wlUvL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

Eve's Venom, chapbook from Post Traumatic Press: 

A selection of my features for the Van Wyck Gazette
               NubGrafix                                                   p12          https://www.vanwyckgazette.com/spring-issue-2018?tag=Nub
               Maverick Concert Series                          p12          https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/vwg-spring-2017
               Roost Studios                                            p12          https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/vwg-summer2017
               Hudson River Maritime Museum          p12         https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/vwgspring2016
               Down in the Grooves                              p12          https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/vwg-summer-2016
               Talkin w/David Amram                           p12          https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/vwgfall2015
               Talkin w/Graham Nash                           p12          https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/vwgwinter2015
               On the Trail w/The Jolly Rovers.            p4            https://issuu.com/josephcaplan/docs/van_wyck_gazette_winter_issue_2016_

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Albany Poets presents: The Downstate Poets: Greg Correll, Mike Jurkovic, and

Albany Poets Presents:

The Downstate Poets of New York

Roberta Gould

Mike Jurkovic w/ Nick Bisanz guitar

Leigh Harrison w/ Bobby Perfect guitar

Greg Correll

Where? At the Hudson River Coffee House,

227 Quail Street, between Madison and Western

(on the corner of Quail and Hudson Streets)

When? Thursday, May 31st @ 7pm

Open Mic will follow. 

  4455 Hits

Let's help each other . . .

We're all trying to sell our books and get readings and make it in the cold, cruel world as our art leads us. So let's help each other. As members of CAPS growing community, it's up to us to get the word out. So I'll publicize and review your book and you do the same for mine. This is how CAPS continues to evolve from just a series of readings that folk show up to, read at, and move on. This is how the website becomes a hub of the community. So, I'm in. Where are you? 

  1 Hits

Blue Fan Whirring Now Available

My newest collection of haiku, Blue Fan Whirring, is now available through Nirala Publications and Amazon. Here are the links and the wonderful forward from Irene O'Garden.



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All Together Now!

So while I'm sitting here at the dj desk at the Sanctuary for Independent Media spinning jazz on WOOC. 105.3 FM (www.mediasanctuary.org) I would like to remind all our members to please, use the site to post your readings, recent publications, thoughts and ideas on how CAPS can make the world a better place. Post one of your poems and open a forum for discussion and critique. Start a dialogue with fellow members and poets. www.callingallpoets,net is here for all of us to benefit from. All Together Now.

  4092 Hits

Jazz Sanctuary WOOC FM 105.3 Troy, NY

While I'm waiting for the new book, Blue Fan Whirring, from Nirala Press (www.niralapress.com) to come in, please join me every Tuesday and some Thursdays for 3 hours of jazz old and new 7-10pm www.mediasanctuary.org 

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Upcoming Events: BYOV! Jazzoetry Open Mic Wednesday April 18, 7pm #poemsprosedialogue Open Mic / Salon Thursday, April 26, 7pm

Bring Your Own Vinyl! Bring Your Own Voice! 

CAPS and The Vinyl Room introduce BYOV Open Mic! Inaugural program Wednesday, April 18 7pm . . .$3 suggested donation. Refreshments.  2 poems / 5 minute open mic. 

Towne Crier, Thursday April 26 7pm. #poemsprosedialogue   Open Mic sign-up 6:45 - 7:15pm  5 minutes  Open mic participants to discuss work with audience and fellow readers.  

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New Book on the Horizon - Blue Fan Whirring


  3417 Hits

Spinning Poetic Messages 2/21 & #wordsmusicdialogue 3/1

On Wednesday, February 21 at 7pm at The Vinyl Room,  2656 E Main St, Wappingers Falls, NY, CAPS will inaugurate  our new reading series -Spinning Poetic Messages. Hosted by Myael Simpkins, this new event will be pure open mic.

John Kihlmire, owner and operator of The Vinyl Room, is looking forward to this event and introducing to poetic voices to the already dynamic Hudson Valley poetry scene. The Vinyl Room also features craft beer, artisanal wines, and snacks. A $3.00 donation is suggested. C'mon out if you can. Spread the word far and wide!

The 2018 edition of our successful #wordsmusicdialogue series at The Towne Crier's Main Stage returns on Thursday, March 1 at 7pm. Our guests for the 2018 kick-off are CAPS VP Glenn Werner and the intimate, compelling music of Rick & Michele Gedney, Open Book. A $5.00 donation is suggested. C'mon out if you can. Spread the word far and wide!

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A Most Special Thanks

A most special thanks to individual CAPS members John Martucci and Emily Monahan for the recent and very generous donations to the CAPS cause of nurturing the diverse voices of our large poetic community and to providing an open, democratic forum for those voices to be heard. It is because of dedication like that that CAPS thrives. Thanks John! Thanks Emily! 

We know and don't in any way expect all our members to be as generous, but we do encourage you to please renew your memberships for 2018 if you haven't already done so. Watch the website for the opportunity to renew online coming in the near future.

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ReCAPS 2017

2017 was a year of long visualized, creative realizations for our Calling All Poets Series. And I'd like to take a few moments recounting them and hopefully give you all an idea what the future holds for the Hudson Valley's longest running poetry performance series.

In August, after being rent chased from Beacon after nearly sixteen years, we celebrated the start of our second full year at Roost Studios and Art Gallery in New Paltz. But oddly, and perhaps in an ironic twist only the creative muses could perpetrate, it was Beacon, at Quinn's Resturant, that welcomed us back to CAPS hometown with two (February and July) SRO, trailblazing performances of Jazzoetry, a vibrant and visceral fusion of jazz, poetry, and rhythm and blues. Special thanks to all at Quinn's, especially Che Pizaro, Tom Schmitz, George Spafford, and James Keepnews. Featuring six of the Valley's truly gifted and incomparable jazz players, the Jazzoetry Quartet - bassist Robert Kopec, piano/keyboardists Joe Tranchina and Neil Alexander, sax and reeds man Eric Person and soundscapist Dean Sharp and drummer T. Xiques - laid down the groove, the swing, the funk and the ska behind Dutchess County Poet Laureate Poet Gold, Suffolk County Poet Laureate George Wallace, CAPS stalwarts Jim Eve, Glenn Werner, Penny Brodie, (host of WVKR's Mingus Moments and widow to the Valley's own jazz legend and mentor Hugh Brodie) Terence Chiesa; special guests Rev. Evelyn Clarke, Esther Taylor Evans; American Songbook stylist and Executive Director of the Maverick Chamber Concerts Kitt Potter (Kitt's been instrumental and an invaluable source of energy for much of CAPS recent activity) many diverse open mic'ers, and yours truly. Then, on October 31st, with the full exuberance of Tony Falco at The Falcon in Marlboro, CAPS presented JazzQuerade, a Halloween-themed revue that had Kopec, Tranchina, and T. Xiques returning as a trio to support Kitt singing "I Put A Spell On You" and "Witchcraft" among others, Poet Gold, Westchester's own musical gift and creative arts mogul Steve Worthy, Lady Esther Gin, actor/storyteller Steve Jones, and a reunion of the poetry, politics 'n pathos mid-90's duo New Nervous Voice (actually Steve Worthy and your humble narrator.) Watch the CAPS website - www.callingallpoets.net - for future Jazzoetry dates.

Speaking of the CAPS website, Greg Correll, a brilliant writer, artist, and web designer who graciously and egolessly oversees and maintains the site, was recently awarded a CUNY fellowship and is studying under many of most respected editors in publishing. While I'm at it, let's shout-out props to the many CAPS members and supporters who have had books published this last year, including Irene O'Garden, Hudson Valley's grand saint of poetry, Don Lev, Catherine Arra, Dr. Lucia Cherciu, Matthew J. Spireng, Rebecca Schmejda, and me. And let's not forget Cheryl A. Rice and Ken Holland who placed first and second respectively in the Stephen A DiBiase Poetry Awards and Raphael Kosek for winning the Bacopa Literary Review's nonfiction prize for her "Caregiver's Journal: How to Survive or Not."

And while we're recapping CAPS triumphant return to Beacon, June began CAPS run on the Towne Crier Cafe's Main Street Stage for a monthly program entitled #wordsmusicdialogue, a strikingly new twist on the traditional poetry reading/open mic format. Featuring two writers and one singer/songwriter (the past six programs have highlighted such names as Emmy and Golden Globe nominee and novelist John Leonard Pielmeier, memoirist Dara Lurie, award winning poets Mary Makofske, Roger Aplon, and Nepalese poet Yuyutsu Sharma; Beacon Poet Laureate Tony Pena, and singer/songwriters RoseAnne Fino, Kurt Henry, Marc Von Em, Judith Tulloch, Jim Coyle, and Slambovia's own Joziah Longo) Each artist performs for thirty minutes then discusses their art and craft with an audience always ready with questions. Special thanks to Phil Ciganer and Vickie Rabin for making this unique performance/salon a success.

Early in 2017 Calling All Poets Series was approached by Michael Sussman, the Valley's long crusading civil rights attorney, to help advocate for creative expression and establish an open forum in Ellenville, one of the growing number of Hudson Valley towns suffering under the weight of America's harsh and crushing economic injustice. For several months, Empowering Ellenville was home to a CAPS open mic every second Friday. Unfortunately, the program closed in August, but that has not stopped Calling All Poets from reaching out to our neighbors in Orange and Sullivan Counties. We want to hear from you. Your voice matters as much, if not more so, then any so called Presidential tweet. Let's make it happen.

Back to New Paltz at Roost Studios and poetry marathons featuring several professors and their students from SUNY New Paltz. Props to Creative Writing Director Pauline Uchmanowicz, Lecturer Larry Carr, and Professor Jan Schmidt for their continued support. In May, globally admired poet and retired Vassar professor Eamon Grennan, inaugurated The CAPS Masters Series with a brilliant and compelling evening of poetry and discussion. ARToetry, The Ekphrasis Exhibit - debuted in September. A visual/poetic collaboration between CAPS and Roost Studios,
spotlighting ten members from each ascendent organization working together to create a fuller discussion of the creative process and exchange of ideas. Marcia Cole, David Wilkes, Louisa Finn, Mary Newell, Tom Delooza, were just some of the participants. The Ekphrasis Exhibit has long been an idea that our VP, Glenn Werner had envisioned, and we would like to thank Roost Director Marcy Bernstein for being open to and genuinely excited by the idea and seeing it through. ARToetry - The Ekphrasis Exhibit book will be available by early 2018 through CAPS Press.

While we're all concerned about the cruel and crude de-evolution of America's heart and soul, when your family and community reaches from Brooklyn to Albany, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, there is bound to be, despite the many successes shared and mentioned previously, some glitch, some disappointments. 2017 had a couple of those for CAPS, but we look forward to 2018 to unify our voices to create the unity our country needs now more than ever. After all, if we can't talk to each other, how do we speak to, and for, the greater whole?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/callingallpoetsseries/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTkXI6QILPcHY8PDuhC0xg

  4592 Hits

#wordsmusicdialogue Thursday, August 24 7pm, Towne Crier Cafe


Intimate performance and conversation

Thursday, August 24, 20177pm

The Towne Crier Cafe presents Calling All Poets' #wordsmusicdialogue a strikingly new twist on the traditional open mic/poetry reading, fusing live performance by poets and songwriters with a one-on-one, living room discussion between the artists and their audience. Engaging, revealing, entertaining.

Award winning poets Mary Makofske and poet/publisher Roger Aplon join streetwise singer/songwriter/activist RoseAnn Fino to perform and then take questions from the audience. Calling All Poets president and program host Mike Jurkovic will moderate this unique performance/salon setting.

A suggested $5.00 donation empowers CAPS (a 501c3 non-profit organization) to further broaden its endeavors to nurture the spoken word and guarantee an open, democratic forum for free speech throughout our region.

Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Program begins promptly at 7pm.

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9th Annual CAPS Marathon & Hudson Valley Book Fair, Saturday September 23, 1-10pm

Our 9th Annual CAPS Marathon promises, as always and ever, a wide array of voices and ideas that makes our community the unique forum it is. Some of those scheduled to appear are: Irene O'Garden, Guy Reed, Greg Correll, Seamus Casey, Mary Panza, Tara Yetter, Lucia Chercui, John Martucci, Susan Konz, Dara Lurie, Kate Hymes, and Cassandra Clarke. From SUNY New Paltz we'll have Larry Carr, Pauline Uchmanowicz, and Jan Schmidt. We're hoping to have a special open mic section for students and a discussion of The Roost Studios/CAPS 'Ekphrasis Project.' Spread the word!

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CAPS & Roost Studios to Unveil 'The Ekphrasis Project'

Several CAPS poets and Roost Studios artists have been collaborating on works for a special monthly exhibit The Ekphrasis Project. The works will be in the Roost Studios & Art Gallery starting Thursday, August 31 - Sunday, September 24. On Saturday, September 16 from 7-9 there will be a reception and artist talk. 

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CAPS @ Empowering Ellenville Discontinued as of Aug 4

Due to the closing of the Empowering Ellenville Community Center, CAPS will no longer be holding our Second Friday open mics.   

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Reserve your seats Now! Konz/Panza CAPS June 2, 8pm

 Friday, June 2, 2017 promises to be one of those poetry evenings our far flung community will talk about for months when Calling All Poets brings Susan Konz & Mary Panza to Roost Studios for a one-of-a-kind reading of poetry, pathos, humor, and insight.

Susan's first book, Second Sleep, was published in 2016 by Lion Autumn Publishing and her poems have appeared in publications such as Waymark – Voices of the Valley, I Want You to See This Before I Leave zine, and the CAPS Poetry 2015 Anthology(CAPS Press) She is almost done with an MFA and sometimes wonders whether she is, in fact, waking or dreaming.


Mary Panza has been a mainstay on the Albany Poetry scene since 1988. She has been witness to countless open mics, naked poets, fires, drunks, chapbooks, career changes, organizations (both coming and going), festivals and great poetry and spoken word.

She is Vice President of Albany Poets and host of Poets Speak Loud, a monthly open mic held the last Monday of each month at McGeary's in Albany. She is the author of the wildly acclaimed Housewife Tuesday blog. She was on her way living the rest of her life as a party girl when (at 37) the party really began when she became a mother.

Her work is ever evolving as she tries to figure it all out.https://albanypoets.com/poets/mary-panza/ 

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CAPS Ellenville Friday May 12, 7pm

We've discovered energy, community, and two fine poets - Lee Squires and Anya Rogers - during our first two open mic invitationals in Ellenville. So join us if you can. CAPS Ellenville 

@Empowering Ellenvile, 159 Canal Street, Ellenville.

For more info, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  3746 Hits

A special thanks

 On behalf of Jim, Glenn, Greg, Chris, myself and the entire CAPS community, I'd like to say a special thanks to Eamon Grennan. His warmth, humanity, and  humor made for a most special evening.

Here's the YouTube link:


  3993 Hits

An Evening with Eamon Grennan

Friday, May 5 8pm: 

Born in 1941, Eamon Grennan is a Dublin native and Irish citizen who has lived in the

United States for over thirty years. He was educated at University College in Dublin

and Harvard University.

His collections include: Matter of Fact (Graywolf Press, 2008); The Quick of It, (2005);

Renvyle, Winter (special limited edition, 2003); Still Life with Waterfall (2002),

winner of the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize; Selected & New Poems (2000);

Relations: New & Selected Poems (1998); So It Goes (1995), a finalist for the

Paterson Poetry Prize; As If It Matters (1992); What Light There Is and Other Poems

(1989), a finalist for a Los Angeles Times Book Prize; What Light There Is (1987);

and Wildly for Days (1983).

As well as a number of Pushcart Prizes, he has received awards from the National

Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and from the

John Simon Guggenheim Foundation.

He taught at Vassar College until his retirement. He lives in Poughkeepsie, and spends

as much time as he can in the West of Ireland.

Join us for a very special evening.


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Rice & Holland Awarded 1st & 2nd Place

"Your Service" by Cheryl A. Rice and "The Osterias Are Tipping Prosecco" by Ken Holland were awarded first and second place prizes respectively, in the 2017 Stephen A DiBiase Poetry Contest sponsored through Albany Poets. Both Cheryl and Ken are long time CAPS members and supporters! Wooooo Hooooo!

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